
  • Mein Englisch ist nicht sehr gut, warum sind die Seiten nur auf Englisch?
  • Why is there a password required for 'friends@wolfs.org'?
  • I tried to sign up for the 'friends@wolfs.org' - section, but...
  • What programm do you use for editing your page?
  • Are you a tattooed?
  • Don't you think this is a big commitment?

  • Q: Mein Englisch ist nicht sehr gut, warum sind die Seiten nur auf Englisch?
  • A: Der Grossteil der Seiten ist auf Englisch, weil die meisten 'Hits' aus dem Ausland kommen. Das Internet ist leider-gottseidank eben international, und Deutsch wird eher selten gesprochen.
    Sollte ich irgendwann einmal die Zeit haben, so wird es sicher eine zweisprachige Version dieser Homepage geben. Im Moment sieht es aber nicht so aus, als ob dies bald passieren wird.
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  • Q: Why is there a password required for 'friends@wolfs.org'?
  • A: It has unfortunately become necessary since we got some strange mails from strange people.
    Obviously some of the folks out there are not very tolerant when it comes to Masonry or Tattoos.
    We want to be able to have more personal stuff on the web in order to keep in touch with our friends from all over the world. These are people we love and appreciate and who just happen to live 1000s of miles away. Most of the stuff that is in this section is only interesting for people that know us anyway. It is not that we are so important that we need a password-protected area, it's not that we want to annoy the heck out of people; it's just that we would like to tell and show our friends stuff, that we don't want to tell everybody....
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  • Q: I tried to sign up for the 'friends@wolfs.org' - section, but I did only get a short resoponse that you will deal with the issue asap. After that I did not hear anything. Why?
  • A: A lot of times when I get a request to sign somebody up for 'friends@wolfs.org', I don't know him/her. It could be, because it is a friend of my wife or my daughter, or somebody none of us knows.
    The first thing I do is to send out that message, then I ask my family if your name rings a bell. In case yes, I sign you up, in case no, well:
    It depends on how you asked...:-)
    Case 1: "Please sign me up for 'friends@wolfs.org'"
    If this is all the information I get about you.... sorry.... no bonus. This is why you did not receive any answer except for 'I will deal with it asap.' You are a stranger and you decide to stay one by not giving more information than your email address and your name. Why should we give you more information on us?
    Case 2: "I really like your page, It looks like we can be real good buddies. My url is:...."
    Now we are talking! If you think you have found someone who has the same interests and if you are willing to show what you are all about.... No problem. We will happily communicate with you and then sign you up.
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  • Q: What programm do you use for editing your page?
  • A: I use a simple text-editor, by now I did not find a programm that can do what I want, and that does not mention itself in every other line in the html-code. If you find one, please let me know!
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  • Q: Are you a tattooed?
  • A: Yes. Are you not?
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  • Q: Why are you tattooed? Don't you think this is a big commitment?
  • A: It is a big commitment, this is why I am tattooed. You know: We've noticed something funny:
    Tattooed people don't have prejudices against people without tattoos.
    Why is it that people without tattoos have prejudices against people with tattoos?
    It is one of the most beautiful arts we know.
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